Saturday, August 22, 2009


its been a year since i last posted!

things have changed in my life... especially after i have joined the blue land forces. after reading my past posts and recollecting my thinking of the past, i feel very juvenile in the past. the greenmen has taught me many things that i feel would make me a better man and a better person and a better dar.

one important thing i only realised 20 years later is that not everybody is like me. not everybody can laugh a bad thing off and take it in their stride as i have done and in that, i have passed a major PR obstacle inbetween p2p. what i realised is that sometimes, running away isen always the best option, but to confront it with a soft and tender approach. i seem to have understood from my friend's example that sometimes, people jus hav to be left alone, that private space to zone out and clamsp in, that little room for thought is essential to anybody's part. and for that, i felt that i have changed my world in terms of thinking and developing what i feel is the best and not the " best" solution.

currently i am teaching greenmen how to grow greener and this has given me another oppertunity to try nuturing skills and communication skills.

i felt that i shld'nt delete past entries cos they always bring back good lessons to learn for the future.. and i greatly regret deleting the old blog i used to have.

well its a good start. lets hope i kip it up! :)