Saturday, July 10, 2010

its funny how we always deal with our stress and how we settle our images..

i think i am too smart and too wise for my own good.

i think i think that i am too damn smart

this makes me overconfident and always think that i'm damn right. one big lesson in life is that nothing is absolute. well except vodka.

i cannot comprehend how i feel now.

i'm confused tired and sore , so yes its a little tragic

i'll take some time to recover. just remember. breath and think! BREATH AND THINK before answering anything or anyone lest harmful words come out of my mouth.

i have hurt enough

the best form of evangelism is to live my life as an example of what Christ can do to me.

to show the angel in me that people will know that Christ is someone who changes and forgives the evil and the wicked.

Christ is love and love solves everything even if nobody believes in love anymore. as long as Jesus lives, Love lives!